Screw Point
Screw Points
Screw points are an essential part of the screw for both parallel and tapered screws. Points are available in a variety of shapes and suitable for an in-depth range of applications. Screw Points are required for hole alignment, the initial entry into the material and as a means of locking against an item.
Self Tapping Screw Point Type ........ A AB B BP
Thread Cutting Screw Point Type ... F 1 17 23 25 BF G
Thread Cutting Screws ..................... DRILLING PIERCE PARTICLE DECKING
Thread Forming Screw Point Type ... TT C CA PT U-HAMMER HI-LO LO-ROOT LO-DRIV
Cropped or Forged Point Type .......... HEADER ROLLED PINCH NAIL
Parallel Thread Point Type ................ CUP KNURLED-CUP DOG OVAL CONE FLAT
Self Tapping Screws
Tapping Screws Type A
Self Tapping Screws Type A Point is used with a thin metal sheet of 0.015” to 0.050”; the holes are drilled, or punched. The type A point has been superseded by the AB point.
Tapping Screws Type AB
.Self Tapping Screws Type AB Point are thread forming screw that uses a locating point of Type A with a B type pitch and thread size. The AB point is the most popular self-tapping screw.
Tapping Screws Type B
Self Tapping Screws Type B Point are used with the more substantial metal plate 0.050” to 0.200” thick.; they have a greater root diameter and a fine thread pitch.
Tapping Screws Type BP
Tapping screws Type BP Point is similar to the Type B point, the self-tapper has a cone point to assist with misaligned holes.
Thread Cutting Screws
Type F Point Thread Cutting Screws
Type F point is a thread cutting screw with a machine screw thread that has a blunt tapered point having multi-cutting edges and chip cavities. These screws are typically used with heavy gauge sheet metal.
Type 1 Point Thread Cutting Screws
Type 1 screws have a single flute made for general use. These points create a fine standard machine screw thread, used for field maintenance replacement.
Type 23 Point Thread Cutting Screws
This thread cutting screw is in the fine thread series and offers maximum thread cutting area with excellent chip clearing and allows minimum tightening torques.
Type 25 Point Thread Cutting Screws
This point is similar to Type 23, Type 25 points and has a coarse Type B thread; used for plastics and other soft materials having a large chip clearing and
Type 17 Point Thread Cutting Screws
Type 17 point thread cutting screws are ideal for use with wood; with a coarse tapping screw thread as well as a long sharp fluted point to capture chips.
Decking Screws Type 17 point.
Decking Screws are exterior wood screws used in the construction of Decking, Arbors, fences and treated wood. The use of a Type 17 screw points allows a decking screw to penetrate into thick woods.
Type BF Point Thread Cutting Screws
Cutting screws with Type BF points have Type B threads and a blunt taper point.
Type G Point Thread Cutting Screws
Thread cutting screws with Type G points are blunt die points with singular through slots used to form two cutting edges.
Particle Board Screws
Particle board screws are produced with threads that do not correspond to adjacent threads in either shape or size this enables them to resist pull out and thread slippage. Particle board screws offer exceptional holding power and quick assembly in wood and particle board.
Thread Forming Screws
Tri-Round Thread Forming Screws
Tri-round Type TT thread forming screw has coarse machine screw threads. Tri-Rounds Three vertexes perform a thread roll forming process to form mating threads. TT has better thread forming than Type C or CA and drives with less torque.
Type C Point Thread Forming Screws
Type C pointed screws are thread forming screw with either coarse or fine pitch machine screw thread and a blunt tapered point. They allow for replacement with standard screws in field maintenance and eliminate chips. These screws require a higher driving torque and are used in heavy sheet metal and die-castings.
Type CA Point Thread Forming Screws
Thread forming Type CA point screws have either a fine or coarse thread pitch parallel thread with a sharp Gimlet point. These screws are similar to Type C points. The locating gimlet point is superior to Type C, and assists in joining holes between two adjoining pieces of sheet metal could be misaligned.
Type PT Thread Forming screws
These screws have a 48⁰ or 60⁰ thread option that lowers the displacement of plastic and decreases the tendency to fracture bosses and reduces internal stress.
Type Hi-Lo Point Thread Forming Screws
Hi-lo point screw is a dual lead screw commonly used in wood, plastic, nylon, and other low-density materials. Its thread design improves the drive and reduces strip out torque while decreasing the risk of cracking the material.
Low Root Thread Forming Screws
Low root thread screws have blunt points and are ideal for use in plastic applications.
Lo-Driv Thread Forming Screw
Lo-Driv is a thread forming screw with coarse machine screw threads. The point and body design require low-end load for starting and low drive torque for seating. The full 360⁰ body above the point provides excellent strip-to-drive ratios.
Hammer Drive Type U Drive Point
Type U drive point is a thread forming Hammer Drive screw offering a high helix thread useful for hammering into castings, sheet metal, plastics, or fibre for fast and efficient assemblies.
Self-Drilling Screws
Self-drilling screws have drilling points that can drill through metal, plastic, and wood applications. Because the screw removes all hole preparation, self-drilling screws play an essential part in decreasing in-place fastener costs.
Self-Piercing Screws
Self-piercing screws provide for exceptionally stable sheet metal assemblies. These screws may be used to drill through pre-punched holes in light gauge sheet metal.
Parallel Screws
Cropped or Headed Points
Headed Point
Header Point is the least costly pointing operations produced at the time of heading. It offers an end chamfer with a diameter smaller than the thread’s root for easier thread mating engagement.
Rolled Point
Rolled point screw ends are an effective method of creating pointed long screws or studs and give an end chamfer similar to a header point for location.
Pinch Point (Rounded)
Pinch points are cost-efficient tools commonly utilised to assemble several parts that call for pilot action and aligning multiple sheets.
Nail Point (Pinched)
Nail pointed screws have a slightly squared surface and a sharp cone point and primarily used for locking against wood and other soft material.
Parallel Points
Cup Point 
Cup points are a cup section at the end of a threaded screw, which will allow endpoint pressure locking without causing significant disfigurement of the shaft.
Knurled Cupped Point 
Knurled Cupped points are a cup section at the end of a threaded screw, which will allow greater endpoint locking pressure causing minor shaft damage.
Dog Point 
Dog points are a straight pointed section decreased in diameter just slightly below the thread’s root diameter. Dog points help to ensure that fine threaded products are not stripped and act as a locator. Dog point are available normally as a half dog, but Full dog point can be produced
Oval Point Screws 
An oval point sometimes called round point screws are a dome surface at the end of a threaded screw, which offers pressure without resulting in damage.
Cone Point Screws 
Cone pointed screws have a smooth surface, without a sharp point, and accurate length, which will match the contour in the mating hole to create a locking action.
Flat Point Screws 
Flat ended set screws have a smooth surface, a flat end without a point, the flat end does not damage the surface it beds against, with no damage to the shaft and is used when frequent adjustment is required.