Fastener Processes
Fastener Processes
Fastener processes are events following electroplating or coating, most electroplated finishes are followed by a chromate passivation coating that can serve two purposes. The first is to enhance the protection of the electroplating, the second is to change the visual appearance by adding a colour or making the finish look aesthetically brighter.
Hot Dip Spun Galvanised fastener products have tight threads after galvanising and need the matting nuts undercut by re-tapping in order to fit the bolts.
Chromate Passivation
Coatings additional corrosion seal and colour, click for more detail
Retap Nut Threads
Heavey coating requires threads to be chased or retapped, click for more detail
Dangers of electroplating fasteners higher than class 8.8, click for more detail
Link to electroplate coatings